Using Myrrh for Health and Wellness

When you are looking to improve your health to the fullest, it is important that you start getting to know your essential oils. Peppermint oil is an awesome essential oil for pain relief and to open your respiratory system. Oregano oil can help you fight infections, while lavender oil offers relaxation properties.  Myrrh oil is an essential oil that doesn't get talked about as much but has a ton of health properties of its own. Read More 

The Different Products You Can Get From The Cannabis Dispensary When You Have Chronic Pain

If you have a medical marijuana card because you live with chronic pain and you would like to purchase cannabis to naturally treat your medical condition, stopping by a dispensary is something you should try to do. If it is your first time going to the dispensary for anything, you might have no idea what you will be able to get there. It is good to know of some of the different choices you will have while you are shopping for products that can help you with your pain. Read More 

Try Acupuncture While You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy can be a magical time. Growing a new life is an exciting time. However, it can also be hard on your body. Your body is making all kinds of adjustments, including things like ligaments stretching, pelvic bones separating, your center of balance changing, and nausea. You want to try to be able to do things to help with those issues, but not all medications are safe for you to take while pregnant. Read More 

3 FAQs When it Comes to Your Child’s Heart Surgery

Nearly 40,000 babies are born with congenital heart defects each year in the United States. While many of the defects include having a hole in the heart or a leaky valve, some babies are born with more serious problems including missing blood vessels or poorly formed chambers. If a baby has one of these more serious defect, corrective surgery may be necessary. About 25% of babies born with heart defects will need surgical intervention in order to survive. Read More 

Add Argan Oil To Your Beauty Routine For Softer Skin And Shiny Hair

Argan oil has many benefits for your skin and hair. It is often included in expensive hair treatments and skin lotions. However, you can enjoy the benefits of this oil without having to pay for overpriced beauty products that also include chemicals you may not want on your skin. Just buy pure argan oil instead. Here's how you can use this oil in your beauty routine. For Conditioning Hair And Controlling Frizz Read More